Moose recently posted:
I don't know who this little creature is, but I love its outfit.
Maybe someone here will know. Dean?
Moose has taken a shot of a Syrphid Fly or Flower Fly (family
Syrphidae). It, well, simply looks like a syrphid fly, at least to an
entomologist. A more diagnostic feature is the way the wing veins (the
dark lines on the wing) parallel the outer margin of the wing tip at a
small distance in from the wing margin. There's also the faint hint of
an extra ("spurious") vein (don't even bother looking for it) that only
syrphids have. From its fairly long, pointed abdomen, I'd say it's a
female. Like Moose, I also like its (her) outfit.
From Ag Handbook 276: "The "flower flies " or "hover flies" of the
family Syrphidae are typically medium-sized to large flies which are
frequently strikingly marked with black or yellow bands or lunules;
many mimic bees or wasps. The adults are habitual visitors of flowers
and are considered of importance second only to some species of bees in
the cross-pollination of many economic plants."
I'd say this particular flower fly was simply resting on a plant
leaf when Moose was able to get his shot. The rule with any portrait is
to focus on the eyes. Moose did just that. Good job.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: