Yes, Chuck. I sold the whole E-System (including DZ8mm, 11-22, 50-200...)
due to Olympus sold me a E-3 with focusing problem and a 0.4 deg. tilt image
sensor. It is the top model not a E-410 so there is no excuse. I'm now very
happy with 5D II and the trustworthy OM lenses.
Talking about tilt veiwfinder, I was not the first one report here, I check
my E-3 after seeing Ian Nichols reported the problem on his E-3. Then I
found Imaging-resource's test sample also had the same problem. I gave
another chance to Olympus end of last year for the E-520 but it had more
serious AF problem... :-(
I'm really worry about Olympus' quality system, even I'm very interested on
using my Pen lenses on the micro 4/3 I will just purchase a Pana GH1
instead. Of course the nice EVF, free angle LCD, universal 14-140mm lens,
true HD movies... all these are more attractive than just a nice looking
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Norcutt"
>I think someone else complained of that. Was it CH?
> Chuck Norcutt
> Jeff Keller wrote:
>> It might be more than just you. I'm convinced my sensor is rotated from
>> horizontal. When I used my eye to align I more often needed to apply a
>> clockwise rotation, than counter clockwise. After switching to a geared
>> head
>> with leveling bubbles I nearly always need to apply about a 0.7 degree
>> (or
>> whatever units photoshop uses) clockwise rotation.
>> Jeff Keller
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: GMcGrath@xxxxxxx [mailto:GMcGrath@xxxxxxx]
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 5:04 PM
>> To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Subject: [OM] Horizons and the 4/3 system
>> Is it just me, or are others having more trouble keeping their framing
>> straight using the 4/3 frame than they had using 35mm? I think it was
>> easier
>> to line up a horizontal line like a horizon using the 3:2 frame of 35mm
>> since it was wider in proportion than the 4/3 frame.
>> Like I said, is it just me?
>> Greg
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