It's interesting to speculate about Oly and their efforts with the E-P1, and
whatnot. Frankly, I don't think it will get much traction, given the price
point, and what seem like image quality issues. It seems to me like a niche
camera for the well-heeled, along the lines of the fancy 35mm compact cameras a
while back, like the Konica Hexar AF, Contax G1/G2(?), Nikon 35/ti, etc.
Certainly cool but never going to be a bread and butter camera for most people.
I highly doubt anything of the order of magnitude of greatness of the OM system
will ever reach the m43 or 4/3 format at all, ever. It's simply not in their
(Oly's) DNA anymore.
The whole attempted connection(?) to the Pen system of yore is simply a stretch
and really irrelevant and lost on everyone except the few camera geeks who
remember the Pen system.
The best thing about the OM system is the glass. Fortunately they can be
adapted to better bodies than the OM bodies (eg. Canon film or digital) which
is how I use them primarily. Yes, the OM bodies were pretty sweet in their day,
and can still make great images, but some of the user-interface controls leave
a lot to be desired vs. something like a Canon 1VHS.
Someday I'd love it if Oly would make a full-frame sensor OM-digital body, that
could take OM lenses directly. That would be the holy grail for them. Until
such time (which as we all know is basically never going to happen), I find the
best combo to be OM glass on more modern bodies, e.g. Canon 1VHs, etc.
Btw, I'd definitely take the oly 50/1.2 over the Canon EF 50/1.2L for many
reasons. Namely, price, size, focus-shift problems - all are an issue with the
Canon. IF you want the best cool fast Canon 50, the 1.0L is the one to have. At
least that has no focus shift issues. Yes, it's still huge and overpriced but
the images are pretty unique. The Oly 55/1.2 is worth considering too, I think.
I too like the OM 90/2.0, that's a great lens, and indeed small given it's
speed and functionality. I wish it went to 1:1 but even still, it's a fantastic
piece of glass. Great for portraits in addition to macro.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: