Thanx! That one's already been test printed. A few minor tweaks and it'll be on
the wall.
To pontificate further, because the opportunity has arisen . . . <g> . I'm
looking a several distinct markets where I live. First, and most important, is
the "tourist" market. These are people who are likely not art lovers who
nevertheless appreciate well-executed photographs of places they've seen and
liked. Most of my photos are sold to this category. From the Acadia group, I
expect Bass Harbor Marsh to see more than a couple of copies, as well as a
Misty Acadia shot or two. Davy Jones' Locker might sell a few, though I doubt 1
in 10,000 visitors to Bass Harbor know where that spot is.
Another distinct market is people who appreciate photography but who respond to
it viscerally. They aren't pixel peepers and certainly aren't art collectors.
Technically flawed photos that have an emotional content for them sell well.
They prefer images taken in places they've visited, even though the actual
image itself might be something they never saw with their own eyes. The Brook
image may fall into this category, along with a couple of the misty pictures.
One of my older pictures that falls into this category is Rambo, the horse with
snow on his face. Among horse people and people who think they would like to be
horse people, that picture resonates.
Then there are the art lovers and collectors. Those of them who deign to look
at photography at all are extremely difficult to please--moreso, I think, that
the average reader/poster on <g>. They are pixel peepers and harsh
critics, and they expect nothing less than technical perfection along with
whatever their notion is of artistic vision. Once in a great while I stumble
into such a photograph, though I _never_ try to seek them out. They just
happen. One of these is White on White, the window in the snow. Another is
Betta's Dock, a canoe at a wooden dock with clouds reflected in the water. One
gentleman who bought a copy of Betta's Dock said he thought that must be the
boat that drowned sailors take to the other side. You can't plan reactions like
that. At least I can't. But damned if I don't like hearing them. <g>
For the moment, I'm happy to sell to the first two categories, and have a hard
time even dealing with the third. (There may be more categories than these,
probably are, but I'm shooting from the lip here and not really thinking this
through.) My experience has been that if I set out to create art, I create
crap. If I set out to do a good job satisfying my customer base, I occasionally
screw up and capture a memorable photograph.
--Bob Whitmire
---- Wiliam Wagenaar <wiliam@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Bob,
> Brook alternate b2 looks marketable to me.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: