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Re: [OM] He's baaaack!

Subject: Re: [OM] He's baaaack!
From: Bob Whitmire <bwhitmire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2009 16:02:07 -0400
But I did. I did. In order to save a precious spot on this beloved  
planet from further trampling beneath the iron-shod jackboots of  
humanity, I have refused to reveal its location, thus apparently  
sacrificing myself, not to mention my sacred honor, for the good of  
Mother Nature, aka Gia. How much more effing liberal can you get than  
that? <g>

--Bob Whitmire

On Jun 13, 2009, at 12:26 PM, Willie Wonka wrote:

> I volunteered to be your liason to the rest of the world...That  
> means that you get to communicate with it only if you pass the  
> liberal test.

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