Moose wrote:
> Well, at least you'd be safe in Berkeley. I did handle a list member's
> OM-3Ti in Berkeley, very carefully. Then I very politely handed it back
> to him.
LOL, just like I do with other people's E-3s. I'd rather take the Amish
approach--you never miss that which you never have had.
> I would say it is the best looking OM ever and one of the handsomest
> cameras I've ever seen. The finish is unique and beautiful.
True. And specifically, I've found the sound of the camera to be different
in sound. The OM-1 doesn't have that same tight "thunk" sound and some of
the other models almost sound tinny or rattletrappy in comparison. The
OM-3Ti just goes "thunk" with that cool "Bzzt" sound of the mechanical
> On the other hand, I simply have no need for anything it offers beyond
> the OM-1 and OM-4.
This has been the general concensus on this camera from the moment it was
created. I definitely was among the parade of the great unwashed in echoing
this chorus. But as stated several times recently, had I really known then
what I know now, I would have skimped and saved to get it. But being a
tightwad I couldn't justify it based on specifications. I believe that there
is a very tight comparison between the OM-3Ti and a Leica M6. Of course,
having not owned an M6, I could be under/overestimating the Leica gestalt.
But to your point, Moose, I ask this: What does "need" have to do with it?
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