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Re: [OM] Vertigo and BPPV, was: Glendenning's garden

Subject: Re: [OM] Vertigo and BPPV, was: Glendenning's garden
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 16:23:14 -0700
Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> ....
> There are certainly other causes of vertigo other than BPPV but if it is BPPV 
> be prepared to fend for yourself.  You may have to educate the doctor.  The 
> Epley manuever usually resolves BPPV with a single treatment.  My son 
> required a re-do for some reason but he was 98% cured after his second 
> treatment.  It takes only a few minutes.  What a relief after two years of 
> incredibly expensive, time consuming (and ineffective) treatment.  You can 
> even do it yourself as there is a self-administered form of the Epley 
> maneuver.
> Read about BPPV here 
> <http://www.dizziness-and-balance.com/disorders/bppv/bppv.html>

Hey! Thanks for that. I believe I've had a couple of mild cases of that 
over the last 2-3 years.  As they say, it went away on its own.

I take a very conservative approach to doctors, hospitals and such, 
wishing to avoid things like medically induced disease and "... two 
years of incredibly expensive, time consuming (and ineffective) 
treatment." My dad spent a life of physical pain, in and out of surgery, 
I was at my wife's side through two bouts of cancer and her death and 
was the one primarily supporting my mother through her last years.

I've spent a LOT of time in doctor's dens and hospitals. It seems to me 
that most of those involved in that system are well meaning, but many 
aspects of the system seem to me to be antithetical to actual health. I 
remember sitting in a large hospital waiting room think that whatever 
the outcome of my then current complaint, the chances of avoiding 
whatever the majority of others were so obviously and loudly suffering 
from wer really low.

As the dizziness was limited to a couple of very specific body 
orientations and movements, I figured it was probably something 
mechanical in the ear. I could still put on my socks standing on one leg 
at a time and had no such feelings in everyday circumstances, so I 
thought I'd just see what happened.

If it got worse, I suppose I'd might have had to do something about it. 
But it went away.

Now if it shows up again, I have that nice instructional video, a 
massage therapist and table in the house, so I'll bet it will be very 
short lived.

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