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Re: [OM] Images As The Moose Strikes

Subject: Re: [OM] Images As The Moose Strikes
From: "Ian Manners" <oice500@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 19:39:23 +1000 (EST)
Hi Moose,


What you see is how it was, central Western Australia late 80's while I
was pegging leases at Wilgeena, past Meekatharra. OM2n + Zuiko 35-70 F4


These two are at the beach in Perth 1997 OM4Ti and Zuiko 35-80 F2.8


I use to love watching sunset's.

> This shot was pure reflex, no time to do more than aim and press the 
> button. <http://www.moosemystic.net/Gallery/FilmvsDigi/FvD03.htm>

Love the detail in those shots, I've never been to good at birds, only
with them :-)

> Yeah, I just wouldn't do that. I may adjust an existing light a bit, but 
> that's about it. I tend to see a subject, visualize what an image of it 
> might look like and take the shot. I do use a tripod sometimes for 
> interior stills. I seldom think up a still life composition in my head. 


> <http://www.moosemystic.net/Gallery/tech/A650/StillL.htm>

Can I send that one to my Brother inlaw ?  crw_0222_16cor.jpg
Think he might like to paint it, he's a mouth painter on a scholarship
so it would be a good still life challenge for him :-)

> Similarly, I was sitting reading,when I noticed the light on these 
> objects sitting on a desk. I just grabbed the camera and took their 
> picture. Within a few minutes,the light was different and not as much to 
> my liking. 


Another nioce still image, whats OI ? OiL ?

Ian Manners

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