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Re: [OM] 4/3 questions

Subject: Re: [OM] 4/3 questions
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 12:57:26 -0700
Sandy Harris wrote:
> Anyone know when Oly's 4/3 camera will come?

Latest official announcement date is June 15.

But this is Oly. Actual availability is sometimes much later. Also, when 
they have insufficient cameras to meet initital demand, they sometimes 
play games with distribution by region of the world.
> Will the Panny G1 focus a really fast lens accurately?

I doubt anyone but Panny knows the answer to that question. No fast m4/3 
lenses have been released yet and the use of standard 4/3 lenses with 
adapters has some serious limitations. "Optional adapter required for 
standard Four Thirds lenses, most won't allow autofocus (those that will 
focus do so noticeably slower than the kit lenses.)" -DPReview

At a guess, it won't be as good as fast DLSRs or the M8. DPR says "For a 
camera which operates in almost the same way as most compact cameras 
(the inherent delay of having to supply a video feed to an LCD or EVF to 
provide a 'through the lens' view) and the fact that as it has no mirror 
it has to use contrast detect AF the DMC-G1 is surprisingly snappy in 
use. Its power on times are as good as instant, auto focus speed is at 
least as good as an entry level digital SLR"

The open issue is that I assume your question more fully stated would 
read "Will the Panny G1 focus a really fast lens accurately in low 
light?". So the DP comments about focus speed in normal light may not be 
a useful answer.

You have to wait for the Panny 20/1.7, or an as yet unannounced fast 
m4/3 ZD, to be released to find the true answer.

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