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Re: [OM] (OT & OT) Audio, was Panorama problem

Subject: Re: [OM] (OT & OT) Audio, was Panorama problem
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 12:05:13 -0500
> Hopely the MRI I'm having this Thursday will offer a clue, if
> not then I'm told its likely to simply be genetic so live with it.

Several "golden ears" I've known through the years had to change careers
because of genetic hearing loss. But in reality, most of us just go into
management after a while anyway--leaving the grunt work audio engineering to
the young pups.  Nuance kinda goes out the window when we've "arrived" at a
signature sound. The older we get, the wiser we get about the listener. And
besides, the engineer doing the finalization is going to screw everything up

I've always liked tube amps, not for the accuracy of reproduction
> but the soft clipping, I use to have a set of Rogers from the UK.
> Thats also why I designed and built my own Mosfet amps, a bit of
> both worlds. It's a shame that MosFet amps arent more prevelent.

That's just too geeky!  I've preferred to just soundcheck items till I find
something that sounds good to me.  I built an amplifier 22 years ago.  That
was when I realized that etching and soldering just wasn't me.

I dont like Bose's, they have always sounded a bit to colored
> to me in the low end in a home situation but after reading what
> you say re setting them up in a church, I will admit I have heard
> some nice Bose professional installations in large halls.

I won't dispute that about Bose home systems. Part of the problem is the
fact the x-over is so far up the spectrum. You lose separation.  However, as
an offset, when the speakers are mounted high enough up, you lose the
colorization of the sound which occurs from the furniture.  Personally, I'd
rather have the nasty Bose speakers up high than $5000 speakers muffled by
the chairs. At a bare minimum, you gotta get those speakers to ear height.

The Bose professional installations are actually quite incredible on several
fronts. The computer-controlled directionality of the speakers can be
programmed (and steered) based on changes in temperature and humidity. EAW
and JBL have come on strong with their line-arrays and computer controls
too, so the market is a changing. But JBL still hasn't a clue how to do subs
other than through pure muscle.  I've become a fan of line-arrays, but there
is usually no benefit to a line-array if you don't have computer controlled
steering of the wavefront. For a typical arena, a temperate change of five
degrees Fahrenheit will result in entire seating sections no longer getting
ANY sound from the array.

I'm currently putting together a proposal for a 600 seat auditorium where I
have the choice of line-arrays or delayed speakers for the balcony area.
Without computerization, I would NEVER propose a line-array for this
installation as the vertical coverage of the speakers facing the balcony
would shift up or down 10 feet with temperature and humidity changes. Given
the live acoustics in the room and the poor HVAC system, I'll probably stick
with delays if we can forgo LCR in the balcony seats.  We will fly the subs,
though, and given the shape and construction of the room may very well go
with a hybrid Bose-system for the directionality--the bass frequencies are
currently completely out of control.

All the stuff I record/edit is done in wave, bit like keeping all the
> originals in photography in ORF and/or TIF.

Same here. I was able to score a Yamaha AW4416 with Waves module a couple
years ago for a song.  Yeah, I'm a Yamaha biggot for many things pro-audio.

> To me I equate MP3 as the same or worse level as JPG's


BTW, I got mightely corrected last year about FLAC.  It actually works and
works extremely well. If one needs compression for "sharing" or
Internet-based file-transfer, I highly recommend it.  I'm not comfortable in
using it for archival purposes because we've all seen formats come and go,
but linear still works on all systems.

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