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Re: [OM] (OT & OT) Panorama problem

Subject: Re: [OM] (OT & OT) Panorama problem
From: "Ian Manners" <oice500@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 16:47:04 +1000 (EST)
Hi Fernando,

> What you wrote is completely true.

I must agree with both you and Chuck as well. I rarely crank up
the volume here unless I have the windows open, and the earmuff's
on if I have a need to feel the music. The sub woofer (dual 12" drivers,
one behind the other) normally lives in the lounge room, because
of its weight I rarely move it these days.

It's all about the dynamic range and the harmonics more that the
power. Though I must admit having the power is real nice when you
want to direct low frequency rumbles somewere across the street :-)

And though I'm getting older I can certainly tell the difference from
an MP3 and a WAV file, though the less compressed MP3's are not
as bad. CD's played back in a proper CD player are also much
better than a computer, or a DVD player, as PC's and DVD players
these days all use switch mode power supplies, where the harmonics
introduced certainly take away from the raw music.

Actually had a hearing test about a month ago as something is
going astray with my hearing, and as I suspected, one ear still
has excellent response, my right ear is down to 8Khz so the
Professor I saw has organised a MRI to see whats going in

I still miss my old record collection (that vanished with my exwife).
Vinyl has a sutle tone difference that makes it much more enjoyable,
even with the odd click etc.

I better stop before I get carried away :o)

> Anyway, here they are for Ian. Only first three are panos, the remaining 
> links are for the 'For Sale' project :-)

Better go have a look.

Ian Manners

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