I don't understand the models either. I usually select "reposition
only" which usually works and seems to minimize loss to cropping. If it
doesn't I'll try spherical or cylindrical. If neither of those work
I'll try manual repositioning which usually works but sometimes requires
turning off the "snap-to" position. If manual doesn't get it it's a
hopeless cause. One of these days I'm really going to have to buy a
pano head. But it works fairly well since all of my panos are out doors
with lots of space to avoid parallax errors. I'm surprised yours works
at all in such close quarters without a pano head.
Here's a link to a page on resolving (or at least understanding) pano
stitching problems <http://www.panoguide.com/howto/panoramas/problems.jsp>
Note that autofocus is listed as a problem area as the camera may be
focusing at different distances between frames.
Chuck Norcutt
Fernando Gonzalez Gentile wrote:
> ........................................................................
> Chuck:
> I preferred a Flat geometric model, and didn't quite understand the
> reason for Spherical or Cylindrical., which rendered a wrong perspective.
> Besides, I has to set the Stylus zoom to a FL equiv to a normal lens -
> if equiv to a wide angle ( ~35mm) they were stitched even worse.
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