Hi John,
> I'd rather see a list of what's in there. These days I'm not in a
> position to buy 60 lbs. of lens parts that will spend most of their time
> in the basement.
I've emailed the seller and asked him if I can bid even though I'm
in Melbourne Australia, explained to him that I can arrange pickup
etc. I've also asked if all the parts are tagged in relation to part
numbers, especially the elements otherwise that would be a
real nightmare !
If he's happy with that then I will bid a reasonable amount.
If I bid and win, I'm happy to store it all here with all the IBM
and DEC historical stuff I have so if anyone needs whats in
that stash I can then provide the required bits.
As I'm retired so to speak, I can slowly create an inventory.
Have one of all the IBM PS/2's and parts I keep, as well as
hundreds of boxes or CPU's, boards, SCSI cables and all
sorts of stuff I have here, even including all my current OM
stash and broken bodies I've bought over the years :-)
Ian Manners
Reality is for people who can't handle Star Trek...
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