I use the Aliens Bees also, Chuck. We have two CST transmitters ($59.95 ea.) to
enable two photographers to shoot alternately on the same set. We use two CSR
receivers ($69.95 ea.). The second is to keep our second light from being set
off by an overzealous amateur popping flash in range of the light's
photosensor. If a receiver is plugged into an AB flash, the flash will only
respond to the transmitter's signal. We purchased the a/c CSRs. Since we have
a/c to the flashes, we didn't see any advantage to the battery units (CSRBs).
We plan to purchase the Vagabond ll power unit ($299.95) soon for outdoor use
of our flash units.
The new wireless units due out later this year, the Cyber Commander transmitter
($179.95) and the CSR+ receivers ($89.95), really look promising for multiple
flash setups, especially if the flash units are in hard to reach places. The
flash shoe mounted Cyber Commander (looks a bit smaller than a package of
cigarettes) will permit on camera control of multiple electronic flashes with
complete digital feedback from the settings of every unit.
I have been totally satisfied with all products purchased from Alien Bees. He
backs up what he sells. An example: after several productions runs of a
previous flash transmitter/receiver set, the manufacturer's quality control
slipped and they shipped some malfunctioning units. The owner of Alien Bees
immediately discontinued the units after receiving several complaints. He had
improved units designed and changed his manufacturer. Then he offered every
purchaser of the original units, even those who had no problems, a full refund
of the original purchase price toward the new and slightly more expensive
units. $39.95 => 59.95). He absorbed the loss.
When he redesigned and improved his portable power pack, he offered purchasers
of his old power pack a discount on the new ones (up to one-half off depending
upon the age of the unit) and they were allowed to keep the old units. That's a
seller I feel that I can purchase from with confidence.
I have no problem recommending this seller and his products.
(Usual disclaimer...no affiliation other than being a satisfied customer.)
From: Chuck Norcutt
Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 16:36
Subject: [OM] A brief report on Alien Bees radio slaves
> Yesterday I received my set of one transmitter and two receivers
> from Alien Bees. They are the CST transmitter and the CSRB
> receivers.
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