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Re: [OM] Manual Focus vs AF

Subject: Re: [OM] Manual Focus vs AF
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 01:36:33 -0700
Jim Nichols wrote:
> Hi Chuck,
> I did that for a number of years with a Braun flash unit and film cameras. It 
> does work well.  Your examples are excellent, though I notice that a large 
> number of them have the subjects seated in chairs, which, I feel, is cheating.

I have lots of those too, taken with T32 and OM-2a in TTL flash mode. I 
know, Chuck, I know, but I was seduced by the way most all of them came 
out properly exposed. I was so innocent; I just used what worked. ;-)

And Chuck's are indeed a good set. On the other hand, they look like 
flash pics, not like the subjects looked like between flashes, just like 
those I have taken over the years. Now that it's possible, I much prefer 
more location appropriate light.

> I was hoping to explore the higher ISA digital settings and not have to use 
> the intrusive flash.  I did use on-camera flash for some close-in shots, but 
> it won't cover a large room.

The E-510 appears to be a good camera. However, it's not at the top of 
the list for either speed of AF in dim light nor high ISO performance. I 
posted these recently, but post them again to show that shots of active 
kidlets are indeed possible in very dim light without flash using a 
camera with better AF and high ISO performance and a fastish lens 

Like Chuck, I use only the center AF point. Unlike him, I use 
conventional half-press AF activation. With moving kids @ f1.8, there 
just isn't enough DOF for zoning or prefocus, it's just reflex 'push the 
button'. If I had to not only wait for them to slow down for a moment in 
a decent pose, but do so in the correct focal plane - OY!

Although it turned out wonderfully, the original motivation for dropping 
my hat on Liam's head was to puzzle him for a moment so he would stop 
moving. That kid is a constant squirmer and wiggler - until the event in 
the last image happens. :-)

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