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Re: [OM] What I did for Earth Day

Subject: Re: [OM] What I did for Earth Day
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 14:10:39 -0500
> As for the images from Moose, I have the same feeling as you, they are
> missing the richness I generally preferred. At the mean time I found they
> are a little harsh and over sharpened to my eyes. Just like the below
> sample, it seems too much LCE were used and the color/tone is a bit odd:
> http://galleries.moosemystic.net/StrybingArboretum/slides/_MG_5731ia.htm
> Other than these the images were nicely captured and composed.

At F11, we might be seeing sharpening to compensate for diffraction
limiting. That usually tightens the edges up, but you lose the texture
within.  The flowers, in this specific photograph have a waxy gloss to them,
which makes them especially difficult to show micro-contrast.  That said,
micro-contrast is the major fatality to LCE.  LCE is, by no means, a
universal solution.

The flowers are out here (finally), and I hope that tomorrow I can take a
few pictures...  I have plenty of film, plenty of cameras, plenty of
lenses--but unfortunately not a plenty of time. We have a nice arboretum
here that I go walking.

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