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Re: [OM] A road trip of sorts.

Subject: Re: [OM] A road trip of sorts.
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 03 May 2009 23:08:14 -0700
Patrick Moore wrote:

Like others, I found the navigation a strong disincentive to full 
viewing of the galleries. I did find several shots I liked quite a bit, 
browsing through the thumbnails and clicking on those that looked most 
> Fixing my gallery software (or indeed moving across to Flikr or similar) is 
> very high on my list of things to do.  I've a new desktop and monitor which 
> I'm using as a motivator for such things. 

There's really no need to spend time "fixing", nor to go to the 
awfulness that is Flikr.

Although prepping the images for the gallery I just posted took time, 
creating and putting up the gallery was very quick and easy. I'm sure 
there are other good, free gallery creation apps, but I can certainly 
recommend Jalbum and Singapore.

With Jalbum, in this case, I simply dragged the folder with the web 
sized images into the app, made some box checking option choices, 
clicked Generate, then Preview to see locally what the finished product 
would look like. After changing the misspelling in the title and 
changing the number of thumbnails per row/column, I used the Regenerate 
Changes option, then the Publish button. Give it the details for FTP 
login to my ISP space and it automagically sends the gallery up there. 
No need to even use FTP myself.

If you make changes to a published gallery, there's an option to only 
upload changes, which saves lots of time. It also does hierarchical 
galleries like yours, with layers of images grouped however you want.

Choice of appearance is almost infinite, as there are many skins 
available and those I've looked at have oodles of options. But one 
needn't spend a lot of time on that. Just take a look at the samples on 
their web site and pick one you like. Just download and run to install 
any skin.

Unless one has the need to program, or for some very unusual display, 
there's simply no need to spend any time on getting one's images up in 
an attractive and highly functional gallery. It can all be quite quick 
and painless.

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