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Re: [OM] What I did for Earth Day

Subject: Re: [OM] What I did for Earth Day
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 3 May 2009 12:23:02 -0500
My "Earthday" was rather interesting. There were a number of black
helicopters circling overhead, accompanied by one green and white colored
one. Yes, the Prez came to give a forgettable speech at a factory that made
wind-turbine towers.
What really rankled me, is that it was the perfect opportunity for him to
give a major policy speech on energy and the future of our country. Instead,
it was some hamfisted campaign stop style payback to a major donor. I saw it
as a completely wasted opportunity.

"Nice job, keep up the good work" is not a policy speech. I expected much
more from him.

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