Chuck wrote:>I agree with AG.
IT'S OFFICIAL! THE WORLD IS ENDING! What next? Will Moose agree with me
too? That would be too much for one list. :)
> I started on PWP and then moved later to PhotoShop because I was being
> Instructed in PhotoShop by my photo mentor who also supplied the software
> the first version anyhow. Now I'm on the upgrade treadmill)...
LOL, PWP costs what? One half of just an upgrade to Photoshop? Shoot, it
costs less than a memory upgrade or harddrive! For crying out loud, PWP
only costs as much as two pairs of jeans!
Where Photoshop holds major advantages is in the available plugins. With
PWP, you feel like you're living on some desert island, whereas with PS,
you're living in Manhattan. But what most people don't understand is that
many of those 3rd party plugins are for features or functions which are
native to PWP, so it somewhat comes out in the wash.
Yes, there is a mad rush of bugs with the new release, but Jonathan and gang
are pretty good at getting them exterminated pretty quick.
PWP is a "personality driven" product. It is NOT a product designed by
committee or market studies. If you can't get along with Jonathan's
thinking, you're not going to get along with PWP. It isn't for everybody,
but if you can wrap your mind around it, the program allows for extreme
Mac-heads need not bother. It's Windows only.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: