Thanks, Chuck. On the strength of that recommendation I shall give my
identity to another corner of the Web :-)
On 9 Apr 2009, at 15:55, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> Just a large, collapsible, translucent reflector/filter placed in
> front
> of a sunlit window to provide an alternative to soft northern window
> light. Other options are sheer curtains, sheets, etc.
> The article is about making best use of ambient light for
> photographing
> families in their homes. In the case illustrated a child of about 18
> months was photographed standing on a chair holding onto the back of
> the
> chair while supported by mom down low and behind. Also the entire
> family seated on the floor of their living room lit from the filtered
> window light.
> The author comments that he always looks for suitable windows and sun
> position to avoid hauling in all the lights if possible.
> If you're into portraiture, lighting, and PhotoShop you could do much,
> much worse than signing up for this weekly blurb.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: