The rationale for using Adobe RGB is as an editing space and not as an
output space. That's what it was designed for. It's analagous to using
16 bits for editing but 8 bits for output. You use 16 bits during
color/brightness editing to minimize round-off errors of integer
division. While you're doing editing the colors can go out of gamut for
sRGB but have a better chance of being preserved if using Adobe RGB.
Some monitors may be able to display outside the sRGB space but I don't
think any printing technology can display outside the sRGB space.
In PhotoShop, if you shoot raw, you can choose to edit in any space
including Adobe RGB or (probably better) ProPhoto RGB. ProPhoto RGB is
also an editing space. But when it comes to final output I choose only
sRGB. Most of my prints are done in a lab which (like most) only prints
from sRGB. If you don't convert it yourself they'll do it for you. I'd
like to see it in converted form before I send it.
Chuck Norcutt
SwissPace wrote:
> last night I had some time to once again look at some pictures, I
> noticed that the yellow were nicer on the hp2605 monitor and that in
> comparison the dell 2408WFP looked decidedly dull. I now have the
> printer matching what I see on the screen of the dell. However it
> doesn't display the nice yellow that I see on the HP and hence this is
> not shown in the print. However the purples don't display correctly on
> the HP.
> The dell has a wide gamut range and was almost dayglo when I first got
> it, now though I have set the default profile to RGB it is tamed but a
> little dull. I print using an epson R2880 and I am wondering if I should
> convert my workflow to adobe RGB to get the wider range from the monitor
> OR is having a wide gamut monitor a complete wast of time as the printer
> can't print the extra colours and the web doesn't display them.
> Maybe a better option is to forget colour accuracy on the Dell and try
> set the HP to match the printer. I have spent quite a few hours
> googling and calibrating both monitors and I really would like to get on
> with enjoying the pictures or more importantly the prints, but I don't
> want to feel I am missing out on something like extra colours.
> Help!
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