Ooops! The 22mm is a typo, should have been 21. But the final result
is the same since I used 21mm in the calculation.
Chuck Norcutt
Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> I'm not sure my math is up to the task but, by my calculations, if the
> lens was focused on infinity, swinging the image plane through 6.5
> degrees on the 36mm side would bring one end of the image forward by
> approx. 2mm and the other end backward by 2mm. After refocusing to
> bring the backward end forward to infinity the other end would be 22mm
> from the image plane instead of 17. The equates to a focusing distance
> of 90mm. So, without even considering depth of field it looks to me
> like you'd have from 90mm to infinity in focus. It looks like 6.5
> degrees is certainly sufficient for a 17mm lens on a 35mm size frame.
> If any one would like to dispute this with an explanation why my rusty
> math is wrong here I'm all ears.
> Chuck Norcutt
> Chris Crawford wrote:
>> The specs say only 6 degrees of tilt. Is that even useful? I've never used a
>> tilt/shift lens, but I have shot 4x5 and 6 degrees is useless there.
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