I actually have one of those Diana+ cameras with the pinhole that I got from
someone online foe $20 last year and I haven't used it yet! I got it because
I like to original Diana cameras from the 60's (I have two old ones, but one
is broken) and because my girlfriend wanted to play with the Diana camera
and I was going to let her use the new version. She hasn't had a chance to
use it yet either. Maybe we should get it out and try it. I have shot some
nice pinhole stuff on my Mamiya 645 with a pinhole body cap.
y-chairs-ph.htm This is from the 645 with pinhole cap.
Chris Crawford
Fine Art Photography
Fort Wayne, Indiana
260-747-3962 My portfolio My latest work!
On 2/16/09 8:53 PM, "Ken Norton" <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> As I recall, I made my comments on the subject at a time when you were
>> expressing serious angst. Something about everything you were doing
>> photographically was derivative crap, you would never do anything really
>> worthwhile, life was a dreary trudge hardly worth living, and such rot.
> Yeah, it happens.
> The great artists never have done it for the money.
>> They do it because it's what they love and who they are. The money follows.
> I think the "great artists" are actually technically insane. Instead of
> "voices in the head" they have "pictures in the head" that have to be let
> out. The rest of us are just doing arts and crafts.
>> I'm not sure, but I don't see why one couldn't blend multiple pinhole
>> images for panoramas?
> The distortion and the vignetting will kill you.
>> It seems to me that Zero Image is not a straightforward product. It's
>> only partly about pinhole imaging. The other part is about the
>> attraction of beautifully made mechanical things. As Carol would put it
>> "Oooh, pretty!" It surely doesn't take anything that fancy to hold a
>> pinhole and some film.
> There is no doubt that they make pretty products.
>> Another thing that came out of my odyssey through the imaging web sites
>> was the conclusion that the Diana F+ makes lots of really nice images.
>> $45 or so delivered for a nice, simple 6x6 pinhole camera that really
>> works.
>> <
>> =pd_bbs_sr_2?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1234825277&sr=8-2
> Hmm. Veddy vinteresving.
> Joel was right. I'm suffering from SAD. Seasonal Acquisition Disorder.
> The Diana would help satisfy the needs for a whole lot less money.
> AG
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