Joel Wilcox wrote:
> I don't mind the big smile photos, but for myself studies of the face,
> light, and all that sort of thing is what I enjoy. I remember my
> sister-in-law's reaction to a series of photos I took of my nephew
> once -- something to the effect that I only liked weird and/or serious
> expressions.
Yes, exactly (about the "studies of the face", and "light"). That's what
I enjoy too. I suppose we all probably do, of those of us who have an
interest in such portraiture, but I guess I was just living in a
fishbowl until I mentioned it to others. Thanks.
> Many, many comments on photos tell you more about the
> commentator than the photo.
Mum always asks, "How come you always take photos of me with my mouth
open?", and the obvious answer earns the expected and deserved arm-slap. <g>
> Anyway, I enjoyed these a lot, Marc.
Thanks again, Joel. I appreciate the feedback.
Noosa Heads, Oz
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: