Yeah, I hate that guy! Seems like everytime you find a good deal on
something, he comes along and snipes you. Don't get me wrong, I have no
problem with sniping, I've done it myself, but he takes it to a whole other
level. There are certain items that I've pretty much given up on trying to
buy on ebay, macro lenses in particular, because he always out bids on them.
I've also made what I thought were reasonable offers on items I feel he's
had way overpriced (like pretty much all his autions) in my opinion and have
very rudely been told not to bother making any more offers on his auction.
usher99 wrote:
> Yes,
> The infamous Alex, AKA PentaxUSA among others. Whether legitimate
> business model, borderline or actual fraud at times, I am not sure
> but I am sure he is a PITA for various list members including moi.
> Have been oversnipped many times by him and could not find a nice 85 F2
> until he was away. I had thought he had slowed
> down a bit but that is definitely wrong. My last 3 (three) very
> serious attempts to find a nice 38 2.8 macro were thwarted by Alex.
> The last was a pristine appearing very late sn one with only modest
> bidding activity. I would actually use the beastie, but Alex saw it
> and oversnipped for the third time. I bid as I high as I wished to pay
> for it. They were all still for sale by him a couple hundred more than
> he got them for last time I checked. Harumph.
> Mike
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: