Yes its a nuisance, one workaround is to move the jpgs into a seperate
folder and then import into another folder within aperture, I then
created a smart album after rating the jpg and raw with one star so that
I could compare them side by side.
It seems that my jpgs were set to vivid mode rather than normal so the
colours were false, however I see much more detail in the jpgs than the
raw file processed by aperture.
I had a look at studio 2 and it doesn't seem to bad although I would
prefer to just use aperture (and cs4) for my workflow, rather than
introducing another step, maybe I just need to import the jpgs into
aperture and keep the raw files outside for adjustments if needed.
The first view of a raw file in studio is identical to the jpg - to my
eyes at least.
Ian W - who is SwissPace as well - sorry about the confusion!
Chris Barker wrote:
> Hi Ian
> I've just tried to do that, but Aperture will not see the .jpg "copy",
> even with the Duplicates box unticked. I'll work it out when I have
> more time tomorrow.
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