That's a great set of pix - I've seen some before but not at that
One correction - as I said, temperatures reached almost 47 deg. - 38
deg would have been a relief. Deaths so far reported at 173 - that's
not huge by the scale of some disasters but somehow it's the way they
die that bothers me. The radiant heat is a killer as well - it's
Nice point there about the horse - this is a big horse-owning area. I
was listening to a woman at work yesterday who was panicking because
a fire had been reported near where here horse is stabled - she
seemed somewhat less concerned about a couple of staff members who
live near the Bunyip fire. I just walked away from her, rather than
saying something unpleasant.
Nice to see the Tynong truck too I have a friend who is out there now
and he is attached to that group of stations - Tynong, Tynong Nth &
Anyone care to identify that camera on the ground? :-)
Andrew Fildes
On 10/02/2009, at 5:32 AM, siddiq@xxxxxxx wrote:
> bushfires_in_victoria_australi.html
> hope any and all listees and aussies are ok... someone needs to
> balance the madness the northerners bring here :)
> and the boston bigpicture photoblog is a worthwhile daily stop
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