The value of a year or three at such schools is not so much the education.
The value lies in the connections made in one's junior years that will
survive for the rest of your life. A simple case of "it's not what you know
but who you know". Those who go are generally up on the "nature" scale in
nature v nurture. What the school does is to work on the nurture end of
things. At the end of the day the output is likely far ahead of what comes
out of the non-private system.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Walters" <mwalters@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Olympus Camera Discussion" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: [OM] a proud moment
> Richard:
> My sister-in-law and her husband would be flattered to be termed
> "wealthy". They chose to sacrifice to send one of their sons there. He
> did his share and got very good grades. Family was proud!
> Martin
> Richard Lovison wrote:
>> Martin Walters wrote:
>>> Richard:
>>> Congratulations - great photo(s).
>>> Berkshire School has an excellent reputation and is in an enjoyable
>>> setting. We've always been told that the Berkshire area is well worth a
>>> visit. My wife's nephew graduated from there last June. We all went
>>> down for the ceremony. Short visit, and we didn't see much else around.
>>> At the time there seemed to be a lot of construction going on. I think
>>> the sports facility was nearing completion.
>> Martin,
>> Thank you.
>> Berkshire School is a wonderful institution... I hope those wealthy
>> enough to attend appreciate its many offerings.
>> When you were there in June they were still working on the renovation of
>> Berkshire Hall and the construction of the Athletic Center. Both are
>> beautiful buildings in their completion.
>> My wife has worked there for a little over 3 years as Director of
>> Stewardship. Overall I feel she's happier there than at Simon's Rock
>> College, her last place of employment. She couldn't have a more
>> beautiful place to work as the surroundings are quite picturesque and
>> the co-workers in her office seem like very nice people. Her office
>> doesn't even feel like a conventional office -- more like an extension
>> of home.
>> Richard
> --
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