Can you define or put some parameters around "tight and wide"?
Chuck Norcutt
Jan Steinman wrote:
>> From: Moose <bylzbbfr@xxxxxxxxx>
>> First, long lenses and good IQ at high ISOs offer the ability to
>> photograph people from outside their vigilant zone, at least in many
>> parts of the world.
> Someone recently poked fun about my selling "pretty pictures in art
> festivals" vs having to perform commercially viable photography. But
> the pictures I make the most money from are those that are subjective,
> those that establish a relationship between the subject and the
> viewer. When I shoot an event, and the client looks over the
> portfolio, the images they choose invariably are the tightest, widest
> shots, and *not* the long, detached, "outside vigilant zone" shots.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: