Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> I didn't even know 1.5 TB drives were available yet. Careful, Seagate
> recently had a firmware bug in 1TB drives which was somehow affecting other
> drives. I wouldn't even know how to update the drive firmware. But it might
> be worth a check on Seagate's site to see what the status is and whether your
> new drive might be affected.
I think the problem was with the 1.5Tb drives. Howsomever, it was only
in fairly rare circumstances - only in RAID arrays and other external
multiple storage devices and never under Windoze. Something about sleep
timing and OS timing getting their fingers crossed. I was aware of the
details before I bought mine and it has been flawless so far.
Just got an email from TigerD offering a $10 rebate on the 1Tb Hitachi.
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