Like you said, different comfort zones. I myself can't do what Juan does,
but I like what he and others do.
As a matter of fact, talking to him, he has never had a "bad experience" per
se. Talking to other street photogs, unless you are that Gilden guy in NY,
it's pretty much, shoot, and if people complain, you apologize and move on.
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Mike Lazzari <watershed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
> .
> And outside my own comfort zone too. This is why the 135/3.5 was the
> first lens I bought. On the OM1 it is so small and inconspicuous. It is
> easier to get rid of busy backgrounds if necessary. I find many street
> shots have undesirable elements best left out. The downside is a
> cardboard cut out look just becoming noticeable at 135mm.
> > wide to normal lens, close to the subjects and cautions be damned.
> Yeah, I bet you get a lot of reactions like this:
> <
> >
> The image is a put off because of the subject reaction to the
> photographer. He obviously didn't give a sh*t.
> I wonder how many shots he gets of a blurry fist about 12" from the
> lens? Or how many times he has to have the camera surgically removed?
// richard m: richard
// b:
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: