LF digital, that is it! Yes. I want one. With tilt shift. So what lenses
should be used...??? Schnieder... time to invest in Schinieder
company stock to go with LFD.
We have maxed out digital pixel resolution, (24mP at FF),
due to lens and diffraction limits, not to mention the shrinking circle
of confusion (of which I am a member) and image stabilization
What is left? We will follow the photographic pioneers of the past
and move to Large Format digital, LFD. The last metric for sensor
makers is larger sensors. Already the Canyon 5DmkII sensor is at
about a 2 electron sensitivity per pixel. So what, 1 electron??? too
much effort. I predict the next sensor revolution is going to be
Large Format Digital, LFD, and is going to revitalize the older
lens producers. I also predict that Oly will only figure this out 10
years from now and come up with a micro-LF digital camera,
and come to market a new semi-fisheye 25mm LFD manual focus
At 04:54 PM 1/27/2009, AG-RetroGrouch-Schnozz-O wrote:
><snip <- meaning selective edtiting -> >
>I'm holding out for a new camera with liveview on a screen 10.16cm by
>12.7cm. All the better if the software inverts the image.
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