You might check KEH. There are a few Arca Swiss bodies here
I didn't check for anything else that you have but it might be there.
You can also check B&H, Adorama and perhaps a few other large stores
with significant used sales departments.
I've never sold anything to KEH but my guess it that you'll probably be
offered about 1/2 of their selling price and condition can be extremely
important to price. Selling it on your own elsewhere should get you
somewhere in between.
Yes, scanning film gets old. I haven't done it in a long time but need
to get back to it. There's a huge backlog.
Chuck Norcutt
Andrew Dacey wrote:
> Hey OMers,
> Been in lurk mode for far too long on the list, although I have poked
> my head up a couple of times recently.
> As I mentioned in another recent post, I'm really starting to hear
> digital's siren call. I still really love film but right now I lack
> the facilities to do my own developing and printing and I also just
> don't have the time. This means that I'm just not shooting much at
> all lately and when I do I'm finding the task of scanning and editing
> to share my work to be extremely tedious. This means that lately I
> find that I'm just resenting photo and knowing how much work is in
> front of me is a huge deterrent to getting me out shooting more. A
> good example is that I was involved in a photo shoot back on Labour
> Day weekend and I still haven't finished going through the shots from
> that day, and a great many of them aren't even scanned yet. Let alone
> the backlog of images that have never been scanned or added to my
> website.
> This is really leading me to look toward digital as a way of solving
> some of these problems. I realise that editing on the computer isn't
> going to go away completely but I'm hoping that it's going to be more
> adjusting colour and sharpening rather than ages removing dust spots.
> The other big lure has been that full-frame bodies are starting to
> become a little more prevalent and the prices have dropped quite a
> bit, although still expensive.
> So with that in mind, I'm thinking that I should start unloading some
> of my current gear and see if that couldn't go toward financing a
> DSLR body. But, I've been out of my gear acquiring for a long time
> and have no idea about the current state of prices.
> The big item that I'm thinking of unloading first is my Arca-Swiss
> 4x5 kit, I bought it when I had disposable income hoping to get into
> LF and it just hasn't seen much use ever. I've had it for several
> years and it's time to accept the fact that I'm not using it and
> could see the money it's worth better put to something I will use.
> I'm wondering what the prices are like for this stuff these days,
> ebay isn't much help because Arca gear doesn't seem to come up very
> often. Here's what I have:
> Arca-Swiss F monorail with fresnel and binocular viewer
> Rodenstock Grandagon 75mm 4.5 in Copal 0 shutter plus matched centre
> filter
> Rodenstock Apo-Sironar-S 210mm 5.6 in Copal 1 shutter
> Toyo 6x9 120 film back
> 8 4x5 film holders
> This is more of a "what's this stuff worth" post rather than a "for
> sale" post. I haven't had the time to put together a for sale listing
> and post pics or anything like that so it is meant to just get a
> sense of what I should list this stuff for.
> That said, if anyone wants a killer 4x5 kit, you know how to reach
> me :-)
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: