The problem could be the card or the camera. If it were mine I'd put
the card into the computer and format** it, fill it with images or other
large chunks of data, read them back and do a compare... about 10 times.
Once I was satisfied that the card was working properly with the
computer I'd take it back to the camera format it, shoot some images,
chimp the images after you're done shooting, format it again and repeat
about 10 times.
** by format I do not mean a quick format which just clears the
directory. Do a full format such that every sector gets written and
Chuck Norcutt
Tom Fenwick wrote:
> Hi all.
> I had a problem with a new CF card (New Sandisk 8GB E3) today in a new
> camera. I shot quite a few frames and then got a "card not formatted" error
> on the camera. Trying to format the card caused the camera to hang,
> although it woke up when I removed the battery and put another card in. The
> problem card was then apparently dead - not detected when connected to the
> computer.
> So I tried it in the E1 for a laugh - which reads it as a blank card no
> problem, formats it fine, and now it goes back in the new camera and seems
> to work fine...
> I never had this kind of problem with a card, so should I forget it? Return
> the card? Return the camera?!
> Tom
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