Thanks every one for your compliments on this picture.
While I agree full frame has less pixel density, and fourthirds sensors
need much higher technology to keep noise low, in a couple of years
megapixel battle will stop (there is no point having more than 15 mp)
and fourthirds will be recognized as the best DSLR system.
I am pretty sure E-4 will change DSLR market.
Best sensor cleaning
Best autofocus system "SWD"
Best image stabilization
Best lenses and the smallest ones
Smallest bodies
Hope they can improve light metering, Olympus is always underexposing
with their cameras due to sensor dynamic range (very narrow in
highlights and wider in the shadows). I miss OM4T light metering too much.
Even in Dpreview, they recognize Olympus is the best creating lenses!!!
So don´t worry and be happy, we are very lucky to work with the best
DSLR system ever created. ;)
Warmest regards,
John Hermanson escribió:
> Good job, David!
> ___________________________________
> John Hermanson | CPS, Inc.
> 21 South Ln., Huntington NY 11743
> 631-424-2121 |
> Olympus OM Service since 1977
> Gallery:
> David Irisarri wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> First winners of Challenges beta:
>> 1st place Olympus E500
>> 7th place My picture ;) taken with an Olympus E-1.
>> Olympus forever!
>> Dave
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: