Size control is the main issue. When the willows are not pollarded
they will grow very high and topple over or split because the crowns
get too heavy.
In former days the twigs were used to build fences, make baskets,
etcetera. They also served as a base to build the river dykes upon
here in Holland.
Aesthetics have become more and more important with rising interest in
nature and ecology. The pollarded trees are also good places for bird
nesting and provide shelter for other animals. The trees are often
hollow. They look vulnerable then but they are not, tubes being very
strong constructions.
The trees, when properly pollarded every three to five years, can
easily live for over a hundred years. When the pollarding is stopped
they will fall over after 15 to 20 years because of wind and storm.
In the Netherlands we have about half a million of these pollard
Frank van Lindert
Utrecht NL.
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 15:08:40 -0500, Charles Geilfuss wrote:
> I like the image very much; between the frost and severe pollarding it has
>an alien landscape look to it. Of course that may be because few trees are
>pollarded in this area (the exception is Crepe Myrtles which some people
>here perform every year; some call it Crepe Murder). I know this was
>discussed one time before, but why is it done? Aesthetics? Size control?
>Lots of mis-behaving children in need of switches? ;^)
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