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Re: [OM] Quick M645 question

Subject: Re: [OM] Quick M645 question
From: "Jeff Keller" <om-list@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 17:50:55 -0800
Since a macro is generally a long focal length, the half the image size
dimensions with the 35mm image compared to the 645 image would mean that you
can be about twice as far away to fill the 35mm image with the same scene.
If the focal length of the Mamiya lens changes with focus the only bet I
would place is that you will be farther away to fill the 35mm frame versus
the 645 frame ;-)

(I saw Wayne already responded to the 1:2 terminology.)

Congratulations on sorting out the tilt-shift macro rig.


-----Original Message-----
From: usher99@xxxxxxx [mailto:usher99@xxxxxxx] 

Well ordered a one of a kind  Tilt-shift adapter from Mirex--they could 
engineer one for OM
for a price--can use on FF Canyon of course too .  The standard M42 or 
Canyon one was MUCH cheaper.
I will likely get a very reasonably priced  OM to M645 adapter from Srb 
Griturn to mount the Zuiko bellows lenses.
I think the adapter will be very "OM-ish" and very backpackable unlike 
a bellows.  I'll post a pic  of the oddball rig after it is put 

Soo, if a Mamiya macro lens goes to 1:2 mag what does that translate  
to on OM?


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