On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 10:02 AM, John Hudson <OM4T@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Page 58 of the E-3 manual states as follows:
> "When shooting without looking through the viewfinder, close the eyepiece
> shutter to block the viewfinder so that light does not enter the viewfinder
> and change the exposure. Lift the eyepiece shutter lever."
> Question: has anyone done any research here to ascertain the extent of the
> light leak and the impact upon what would otherwise have been a correctly
> exposed image?
For my part, no actual research, but I was recently shooting sunsets
using the tripod. I think it depends a lot on the amount of light at
the front of the camera as opposed to that coming over the shoulder.
I have not been having really good experience using the RM-1 to
trigger the shutter consistently, so I was shooting a mix of shots
with eye up to and away from the viewfinder. I noticed no oddities in
exposure, but I rarely use anything but manual exposure settings in
this circumstance.
But maybe it's a good argument for using Live View when deploying a
tripod and when using auto exposure smarts. This "problem" has been
with us since the E-1. FWIW I like the E-3's little reminder message
to close the viewfinder screen and find it makes me much more
consistent about doing that.
Joel W.
Joel W.l
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