AS wrote:
> Is there a reliable software that will batch convert from RAW to JPEG?
Others have pointed to several solutions. Of those I know of that are free:
As Candace pointed out, FastStone will do conversions. Although I use it
all the time for other purposes, I've not used it for that.
RawTherapee, which AG just asked about, will also do batch RAW
conversions. <>
Both of the above, and many other RAW converters, use all or part of
dcraw to actually extract data from the files and/or to do demosaicing, etc.
Dcraw is an excellent RAW batch processor, but it's command line only.
It is rock solid and excellent, but has no GUI, except via other apps
that use it underneath. <> It supports
everything. If it doesn't yet, onw need only send Dave a sample file and
he will add it. I've done that.There's a good tutorial.
I use it for A650 RAW files that ACR will never support. Putting a batch
file like the following in:
XP: C:\Users\[username]\SendTo\
Vista: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
will result in a Send To option when a file or group of selected files
is right clicked in Explorer, which will batch process the selected files.
@echo on
if _%1_==__ goto end
echo Processing %1...
C:\AA0\dcrawms -v -w -H 0 -o 2 -q 3 -4 -T %1
goto begin
I have no idea how to do the equivalent in Mac OS, but assume it's
superior nature means there is an easier way to do it.
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