> When talking to another list member, they had suggested your?"3 Ti"
> competition was a thinly vailed attempt on your part to drive up the cost of
> the 3 Ti before you sold me yours.? I don't subscribe to that theory.? You
> wouldn't do that . . . would you??
As previously stated, the OM-3Ti will not be sold. If/when I'm done
shooting film it will go to live with some young pup dedicated to keeping
the OM flame burning. Unless the CDFO overrides my decision in case of
extreme circumstances or an unfortunate absence of my being, this will be
true with the rest of my kit. I will most definitely be true with any and
all gifted equipment and such equipment has been specifically identified on
the equipment inventory list.
Now, nobody should get any ideas about thumping me over the head. I have
one daughter that is taking an extreme interest in photography and just may
eventually keep the film take-up spools spinning.
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Archives: http://lists.thomasclausen.net/mailman/private/olympus/
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: http://www.tope.nl/