> From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I'll take this opportunity to ask how standard are 4x5 film holders?
Hey, when you've got shift and tilt going and are stopped down to f90,
who cares? :-)
Seriously, they seem to be standard enough that I can go to a swap
meet and buy any of them that I think will hold light and still manage
to load them in the dark the first time and get sharp images.
The biggest problem doesn't seem to be register distance, but holding
the film flat.
:::: The Apocalypse has Four Horsemen: climate change, habitat
destruction, industrial agriculture, and poverty. Each Horseman holds
a whip called Growth in his hand. None can be stopped unless all are
stopped. -- David Foley ::::
:::: Jan Steinman, Communication Steward, EcoReality <http://www.EcoReality.org
> ::::
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