Greetings All,
I know there are a few people on the List knowledgable about all things
electrical, so I am hoping I can get some advice. I have a 15 year old Leitz
Laborlux S microscope that I use daily. The rheostat (potentiometer)
controling the light source is going bad. The light will flicker and does
not adjust smothly in some of its range. Visual inspection of the part shows
wear on the surface of the coil. Cleaning with De-Oxit did not help. I'm
planning to replace the part but Leitz no longer carries parts for this
model and my efforts to find an original part have been fruitless. There are
plenty of potentiometers available form electrical parts companies, but how
do I determine what specifications I need. The scope uses a 6 Watt, 20 Volt
bulb and of course plugs into a 110 Volt wall outlet. Any advice?
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: