At 11:27 PM 11/17/2008, you wrote:
>Shooting film is liberating. When out on a trip shooting digital, I'm
>focused on "what I shot". When out on a trip shooting film, I'm focused on
>"what I will shoot". The mindset it totally different.
No disagreement on most of your observations of shooting film.
I agree that film affects one's mind set. Even if one is disciplined
about their process, it still has an affect. Once you put 100ASA
in the camera, it has already started setting the mind. When I
put a CF in the camera, there is no change in my mind, other
than the thought, did I copy off the pictures and do I need to format
the card?
However, liberating is not one of them if you are be traveling
to a warm climate via today's airlines and security.
Film is a pain in the ass compared to digital in that situation.
So I'll take my "freedom to make pictures that suck" any day
for travel peace of mind.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: