Hey Moose,
No joy on the PS file download again today---hate to see your efforts lost in
the ethers and I will undoubtedly print it.? Perhaps the file was damaged on
the way to your site.? Can we try again??? The TOPE sized image might be my
version? and not yours---can you check?? If? it is yours, I will buy a lottery
ticket this weekend considering the likelihood they would be that similar.?
Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend.? I'll try and send the TOPE shot to
Olafo tomorrow if all goes well.
-----Original Message-----
From: usher99@xxxxxxx
To: olymoose@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 10:55 pm
Subject: Re: Tope
Hi Moose,
I did play with the river shot first, so I'll take your Moosterization as a
vote for that one.? I could not open the .psd file :-(.
I got the message that it was not a valid photoshop file.? As it was over 99Mb,
I downloaded it again to check for corruption, but the same problem.? Not sure
what is up with that, but I never let a Moosterized file go undownloaded as I
can learn something and will print it as well. Not a CS4 file I assume. Is the
link to the tope sized file to your version?? Perhaps I am just bleary eyed as
I didn't get home till 9PM.? I'll check it carefully side by side with coffee
in the AM.? I thought you might like the geometry of one of the Bunker Hill
brdige shots, but he Niagara River shot has more color.
Thanks again.? Impressive job with the Convergence ICs.
-----Original Message-----
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
To: usher99@xxxxxxx
Sent: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 12:36 am
Subject: Re: Tope
usher99@xxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Moose,
Ahh, I see you have been quite busy and very productive as well.
I still fear my recent messages/images have been more of a bother than
anything. Marnie asked me what you thought last night and I said the
good image doctor will comment upon them or alter them if they seem
interesting.? I have yet to witness any true TOPE emergencies.???I'll
admit to being spoiled by your previous expert ministrations on?a
couple TOPE shots. ?I trust I wasn't pestering you and apologize if
Not at all. I actually played with the primary one days ago.
It's a wonderful image and I love the story that goes with it.
Other Doc: And how exactly did you lose your ass?
Mike: Taking a night photograph of Niagara.
Just didn't follow up with you; oops. I think your treatment is quite
good. Mine ended up a bit darker in the sky.
A full size version is on my web site, but I'll be pulling it down as
soon as I hear from you that you've downloaded it or don't need it.
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