Thanks for that, Andrew. I plan on using PhotoBox, but I don't know
what markup scheme they have.
The photos look pretty good to me ...
On 13 Nov 2008, at 20:48, Andrew Fildes wrote:
> A few days ago I was in a café and the owner showed me something
> rather interesting. One of her staff is a keen photographer and had
> done a calender, using images around the café - looked very
> professional, high quality print. She'd used Redbubble, a sales site
> which offers a range of print options.
> So I set it up for myself. I can have a a thirteen image calendar run
> up, one-off, for $20 + postage - takes 2-3 weeks. I think it's rather
> a good idea.
> (er, don't look if female nudity offends!)
> I'm sure there are lots of sites like this but it's the first I've
> seen and it is...Australian! They do have print facilities in EU and
> USA I'm sure - the prices in different currencies seem to reflect
> local costs, not the current ridiculous exchange rate. The suggested
> mark-up is small (20%) but you can adjust it upwards, you don't pay
> it on your personal purchase of your own stuff and as a means of
> getting your own work into a frame, a poster, a card etc., it seems
> pretty good to me.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: