Andrew Fildes wrote:
> ....
> So I set it up for myself. I can have a a thirteen image calendar run up,
> one-off, for $20 + postage - takes 2-3 weeks. I think it's rather a good idea.
Thanks for the link. I was thinking about doing something like that, but
unsure about the quality of the players.
Your calendar is interesting. I like most of the images of women. Glow
bothers be a bit. Looks like you used quite a WA lens, with the result
that the left breast looks much larger than the right and slightly out
of proportion to the torso. whether just the slightly greater distance
or a different lens, the effect seems much more natural perspective in
Pink Silk.
I like Blonde-2 well enough, but the lighting and the model's expression
on Blonde-1 don't do much for me.
I can sort of see image 11, although the root should be more erect,
considering the company it's keeping. :-)
I guess image 12 works for the So. Hemisphere. in the North, December is
when I need a bit of warming up, not cooling off. ;-)
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: