Here's some snaps of yesterday's project.
I've had a large screen projection TV, 55" Mitsubishi, for something
like 10 years.
Quite a few weeks ago (too many to freely admit to), it started acting
up. the picture would turn into something like a sideways hourglass,
pinched in at the middle and going off the screen in the corners. And
each color would do it differently, giving a nice, psychedelic effect.
The amount of the effect would vary.
At first, it would go away as the TV warmed up. Out of sight, out of
mind, right? But it slowly got worse.
So I got on the web and started nosing around. There's this nice repair
pro on a forum who shares his knowledge for us DIYers. turns out this is
a common problem with older Mitsubishis. The Convergence ICs start
failing. I find out which ICs of which brands are the best replacements
and a seller in Canada with reasonable prices.
In the mean time, I know know where they are and how huge and exposed
their heat sink is. So I put a small fan inside, directed at the heat
sink. Voila! Turn on the fan and within a few seconds, the picture corrects.
The ICs and thermal compound arrive, but it looks like some job to
replace them - and things are working fine with the fan ...
Weeks pass, we switch from cable to Dish satellite service; we fall in
love with the HD picture and fabulous DVR*. Then the picture starts
acting up again. Oh-oh! I've known, but been ignoring, the danger that
complete failure of an IC an take some pico fuses, soldered to a board,
with it, meaning more work to repair.
So yesterday, I finally got out my round toit and took the plunge.
Actual time to replace the ICs, maybe 45 min., and I could do it again
in 30 or less. Total time to work out the details, get the chassis out,
take snaps of cable connections so I would get them back right,
manhandle the chassis out and in and clean up? Close to five hours. Of
course if I were to do it again, it'd be half that or less, but I like
to go nice and slow and careful first time around. All I need is to
break one of the picture tubes.
The outcome was worth it! Picture all well again. :-)
Couch Potato Moose
* The VIP722 DVR is the reason to choose Dish over DirectTV or cable.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: