More sound advice from Dr. Flash.
Just a different way to fudge the numbers. Some won't notice that the
spec is at ISO 200 rather than 100 and most won't know how to do the
numbers to convert 160 at 200 to 113 at 100. But that's an easier
conversion than trying to compare the T32's guide number of 104 at 24mm
coverage angle to someone else's guide number given at 105mm coverage
angle. It's especially difficult because Olympus also fudges the 24mm
coverage number... it's really more like 28mm as there is already 1/2
stop falloff at the edge of the field of a 28mm lens. They also just
plain lie about the guide number. I've measured 4 T32s (all within 1/3
stop of each other) and they average a guide number of 84. And, just
like the others they also fudge on the recycle time claiming 10 seconds
from a full dump. At 10 seconds the flash is still 1/3 stop away from
max power and it's still 1/10 of a stop away after 20 seconds. Never
believe a flash manufacturer's specs and always use a meter.
Dr. Flash
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