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[OM] Re: Wanted: 8mm f/2.8 Fisheye

Subject: [OM] Re: Wanted: 8mm f/2.8 Fisheye
From: Dawid Loubser <dawidl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 20:16:35 +0200
Sir SilverNose,

That is *exactly* what I did. I spent so much money on fantastic Canon  
digital gear, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Until I (for the fun of it)
got an all-mechanical Mamiya RB67, and thereafter a Linhof 617, and  
then I
started using my battery-less Sekonic incident light meter with my Canon
1-series DSLR. Then I got the amazing Canon EF 50mm f/1.2L, the best  
50mm ever (IMHO) and I stopped using autofocus completely.

Then came the death knell: I looked through an OM-1 viewfinder. I felt
a OM Zuiko lens. Then I realised, that *having more* expensive stuff  
not make me happy. I did not *also* desire an OM system. I wanted it  
to replace
my big, expensive Canon system. I could access more interesting,  
better designed,
better built (mostly, in anyway) smaller, equipment through which I  
pour my photographic soul and really *make* my own images. And I don't  
have to step
out of the "mode" of using either other all-manual cameras.

I decided that, however cool it was to take noise-free images at  
ISO3200 at f/1.2
in the dark, instantaneously, and at no cost, almost all of those  
images were
crap in anyway. They were just because I "could".

Now, I never exactly sold my soul for better megapixels (and now way  
you are going to
get "better" pixels than the huge, clean pixels of a 1D MkIIN in  
anyway) but I realised
that I wanted to slow down, I wanted to take images that make them  
worth waiting for,
make them worth spending time in a darkroom for. Otherwise, I just add  
more "noise" to
the world. And the SnR-ratio of the world is terrible as it is. And  
(in the words of
the infamous and often-dodgy Ken Rockwell): Chicks dig film cameras.  
Chicks dig men who do not
spend their holidays looking at the pictures they made during the  

Of course, after I almost lost my life, and had to fear my loved one  
being raped
and killed as we, amidst the threats, had to barricade our bedroom  
door against
our attackers, I found it really easy to give it all up. To stop  
caring about the
equipment, and just start having fun.

I have never really had debt (although I heave never really had a ton  
of money either)
but I can't explain the revelation of enjoying this "cheap" OM  
equipment so much, and having
the funds to look around for the more interesting stuff, and being  
able to buy it when the
opportunity arises.

When I get married and go on honeymoon in February, you can be sure I  
will be taking my
OM-1. And nothing else.

So yes, somebody *please* sell me an 8mm/2.8 if you don't need it!


On 04 Nov 2008, at 7:48 PM, Ken Norton wrote:

> Dawid wrote:
>> You see, having sold all my expensive Canon digital gear, I can  
>> afford
>> to splurge a bit on some Zuiko exotics, and I would really like the  
>> 8mm.
> When I look at the cost of the E-3 (or even the new E-30) with ONE  
> moderate
> zoom, I realize that I could buy a bunch of exotica OM gear for the  
> same
> amount.  Life is sweet.  If I reversed course and went 100% film, I  
> could
> actually afford the 35-80/2.8, 350/2.8, MD2, and T45.  Of course, if  
> I did
> go 100% film, I'd have to--there is no way I could function with the  
> primes
> I have in a high-pressure, high-flexibility situation and the flash  
> and
> motordrive would be required too.  Unfortunately, 100% film is no  
> longer
> feasable.
> Do people actually REALIZE what we're doing?  We're selling our  
> souls for
> the dream of better megapixels.  And then to make use of those  
> megapixels,
> we're trashing perfectly good lenses for some plasticky uberzoom  
> with more
> distortion than a willow tree in the wind.  Oh, but it has built-in
> image-stabilization!
> Folks, PLEASE get out your OM gear, slap a roll of color-print film  
> in it,
> have it processed and scanned commercially (see Ken Rockwell) and  
> enjoy the
> results.  You might not want to use film for everything, but most of  
> the
> time, 3MP camera files exceed requirements anyway.  Instead of  
> dreaming of
> that 5Dmk2, save your pennies and pop a roll of film in your OMs.   
> The 5Dmk2
> won't make you a better photographer and using a modern digital  
> camera is
> too much like trying to use M*cros*oft Wind*ws.  If you want to fly a
> computer, fly a computer.  If you want to take pictures, use a camera.
> After all, EVERY camera is really nothing more than a light-tight  
> box that
> holds film or a sensor.  Some boxes are meant to be used, others are  
> meant
> to be compared on dpr*view.
> I guess I shouldn't complain about people migrating to digital--I've  
> been
> the benificiary of the left-behind equipment.  But, come on, let's  
> get some
> passion back into our photography!  If I can get all excited about a  
> camera with a MECHANICAL shutter, don't you think that you can  
> express a
> little joy about the 100/2, 21/2, OM-4Ti or whatever other special  
> items
> lurk in your equipment closet which you haven't touched in two or
> three years?
> Just yesterday, I shot two rolls of Ilford PanF and 1/2 a roll of  
> Provia in
> the OM-4T and OM-3Ti on a personal project.  What have the rest of  
> you shot
> lately?
> Why is this passion/excitement important? Do I really have to give  
> you an
> answer?  Yes, I recognize that one can get passionate and excited when
> shooting the latest/greatest digital camera, but passion/excitement  
> has to
> come from WITHIN.  It does not come from stressing your credit-cards  
> to buy
> the latest/greatest.  If you can't be passionate and excited when  
> shooting
> with what you currently have, the passion/excitement from a new camera
> purchase will be shortlived and artificial--lasting only until the  
> next
> model comes out.
> AG-Schnozz
> ==============================================
> List usage info:     http://www.zuikoholic.com
> List nannies:        olympusadmin@xxxxxxxxxx
> ==============================================

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List nannies:        olympusadmin@xxxxxxxxxx

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