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[OM] Re: It is now official - My primary camera bag is now a Digital-Fre

Subject: [OM] Re: It is now official - My primary camera bag is now a Digital-Free Zone
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 19:55:11 -0700
Ken Norton wrote:
> ...
> This is what the OM list is all about.  It's not about the equipment, it's 
> about our friendships.  
> Yes, Moose, you're a friend too!
Gosh, I sure hope so, 'cause I consider you to be one.

I wouldn't waste disagreement and needed advice on someone not worth 
taking the trouble for. ;-)

Reminds me just a little of the way it was with my next youngest 
brother. We shared a room for many years, and fought like cats and dogs. 
Mom later said she figured once I left home, he and I would never speak 

We soon worked closely together for a couple of years in a tiny, three 
person company and spent lots of time together outside work, as well.


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